
Amazon is encouraging social commerce

Today i recieved an email from Amazon informing about their new social shopping experience. Few years ago Amazon started a social commerce experience onsite. By signing up via your facebook account you were able to see your friends upcoming birthdays and amazon was recommending products if they had an amazon account (and a wish list).…

21 KPIs for Ecommerce

Key performance indicators are becoming common in large corporations as a way to measure and monitor the success of key activities. But they can also play an important role in any sized ecommerce business. A KPI — key performance indicator — is simply a measure of some process, event, or activity. An example is checkout…

email marketing ROI

Just over a third of businesses (34%) are unable to calculate the revenue earned from email marketing, according to a new survey from the DMA* Only 60% of respondents said that they could calculate the revenue return, despite the fact that a vast majority of businesses (89%) said email marketing was either ‘very important’ or…

Best practice tips for basket abandonment emails

Some simple facts before we start; March 2012 – Research conducted for Experian®, the global information services company, estimates that £1.02 billion worth of online shopping transactions were abandoned last year by UK consumers frustrated by old and inefficient identity measures. One in five of these abandoned transactions were not taken elsewhere as individuals cancelled their…

Asia-Pacific surpasses North America in B2C spendings

In 2012, B2C ecommerce sales grew 21.1% to top $1 trillion for the first time, according to new global estimates by eMarketer. This year, sales will grow 18.3% to $1.298 trillion worldwide, eMarketer estimates, as Asia-Pacific surpasses North America to become the world’s No. 1 market for B2C ecommerce sales. Sales in North America grew…

User Experience vs. User Interface

Regardless of how elegant your website looks, if you fail to deliver the type of user experience your buyers are looking for, they will leave your site and shop elsewhere. Because there are so many well-designed stores today, shoppers demand that type of experience from all sites. This article explores the difference between UI and…

Facebook Search Graph

Facebook Inc. today launched a limited test of the Search Graph, a new search engine for the social network that it says will provide personalized search results that focus on people, photos, places and interests. The tool enables consumers to ask questions such as, “What jewelry pages do my friends like?” Consumers will type their…